Belief Propagation Step by Step


This web application performs belief propagation over Bayesian networks. Its purpose is to illustrate belief propagation step by step: inference can be peformed incrementally so that the user can investigate the content of messages and the values of marginals during execution.

In particular, the user can compute just the next message to be exchanged or perform a full round, i.e., the update of all messages in the network, or run propagation until convergence. If the network is a polytree, after two rounds of propagation the algorithm converges. Otherwise, the propagation algorithm becomes loopy and there is no guarantee of convergence, even if in practice it often converges. The application performs one round by cycling over all nodes and computing the outgoing messages.

With this application the user can design a new Bayesian network, load it from an XMLBIF file, or load a example network. In order to perform propagation, the network is first converted to a factor graph since belief propagation is simpler on factor graphs.

The source code is available at

For a treatment of the Belief Propagation algorithm you can look at

Bayesian Network Building


Inference One Message at a Time


Inference One Round at a Time


Loopy Belief Propagation



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Copyright by Fabrizio Riguzzi, Mirko Covizzi e Alan Guerzi.