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Elena Bellodi

Elena Bellodi's photo
Associate Professor
DE: Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara,
Blocco A, Polo Scientifico Tecnologico
Via Saragat 1, 44122, Ferrara, Italy
Tel: +39 0532 974882 Fax: +39 0532 974882
University Home Page





Latest Publications
[8] Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, Rafael Kiesel, and Fabrizio Riguzzi. Solving decision theory problems with probabilistic answer set programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2024. [ bib | http | http ]
[7] Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi. Learning the parameters of probabilistic answer set programs. In Stephen H. Muggleton and Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, editors, Inductive Logic Programming - ILP 2022, volume 14363 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1--14, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[6] Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi. Summary of statistical statements in probabilistic logic programming. volume 385, pages 384 -- 385, 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[5] Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi. Towards a representation of decision theory problems with probabilistic answer set programs. volume 385, pages 190 -- 191, 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[4] Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi. MAP inference in probabilistic answer set programs. In Agostino Dovier, Angelo Montanari, and Andrea Orlandini, editors, AIxIA 2022 -- Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pages 413--426, Cham, 2023. Springer International Publishing. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[3] Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi. Approximate inference in probabilistic answer set programming for statistical probabilities. In Agostino Dovier, Angelo Montanari, and Andrea Orlandini, editors, AIxIA 2022 -- Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pages 33--46, Cham, 2023. Springer International Publishing. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[2] Riccardo Zese and Elena Bellodi. A web application for reasoning on probabilistic description logics knowledge bases. Software: Practice and Experience, In Press:1--22, 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[1] Elena Bellodi, Davide Bertozzi, Alice Bizzarri, Michele Favalli, Michele Fraccaroli, and Riccardo Zese. Efficient resource-aware neural architecture search with a neuro-symbolic approach. pages 171--178, 2023. [ bib | DOI ]


  • PRObabilistic DEclarative Process Mining (PRODE): 2023-25, financed by MUR PRIN 2022 call. Principal Investigator.
  • Support System for Sustainable Smart Cities (S4C): 2024-25, financed by Regione Emilia-Romagna (POR-FESR2021-27). Unit Leader (Unife – Mechlav).
  • POLIcy Support systEm for smart citY data governancE (POLIS-EYE), 2019-2022, financed by Regione Emilia-Romagna (POR-FESR2014-20). Participant. It intends to analyze, together with companies, requirements and data related to the tourism sector to create forecasting and decision-making models integrated into a decision support system, and apply them in the field
  • Green Smart Technology for Water (GST4Water), 2016-2018, financed by Regione Emilia-Romagna (POR-FESR2014-20). Participant. It aims at developing innovative solutions towards economical savings and hydro-sustainability by means of ICT technologies that should make citizens informed about water consumption
  • Decision Support System to improve appropriateness of repeated execution of laboratory examinations (2012-2015), financed by the Italian Ministry of Health under the “Ricerca Finalizzata 2010” call . See the following publications: ICHI2014 conference, ICTAI2015 conference, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making Journal (2017)

Organizational and Editorial Activities


  • 2021 “Marco Somalvico” Award sponsored by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) for the contribution of young Italian researchers (under 37) to the AI field (
  • She was in the winning team of the Probabilistic Track in the international competition of the ILP 2016 conference (Inductive Logic Programming Conference, 4-6 September 2016, London) with the SLIPCOVER software: competition
  • The Ph.D. Thesis won the 2014 Award sponsored by the Italian Association “Gruppo Ricercatori e Utenti di Logic Programming” (GULP) for the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of Computational Logic discussed from December 2011 until May 2014
  • The Ph.D. Thesis won the 2013 “Marco Cadoli” Award sponsored by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA), for the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of AI discussed from January 2012 until May 2013 at an Italian university
  • Best Paper Award for the article BUNDLE: A Reasoner for Probabilistic Ontologies by Riccardo Zese, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Evelina Lamma and Elena Bellodi at the 7th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2013)
  • Highly Commended Paper Award for the article Probabilistic declarative process mining by Elena Bellodi, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma at the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering & Management (KSEM 2010)

Invited Talks

  • Invited speaker at the 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA2021) for the “Marco Somalvico” award
  • Invited panelist on “How should LP evolve to become ubiquitous and important in AI (e.g., becoming more user-friendly, integrating with other methodologies, …) and How can LP serve to solve societal problems?” at the 2021 MentorLP Workshop, ICLP 2021
  • Grad School Survival Guide at the 2021 MentorLP Workshop, ICLP 2021
  • Introduction to Probabilistic Logic Programming (Part IPart II), at The Autumn School on Logic and Constraint Programming, ICLP 2020
  • Efficient inference in discrete and continuous domains for PLP languages under the Distribution Semantics, at PLP 2019
  • Invited speaker at the XIII Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIXIA2013, Turin, December 4-6) to present the Ph.D. thesis awarded with the 2013 “Marco Cadoli” Award
  • Invited speaker at the 31st Italian Congress of Computational Logic (CILC 2016, Milan, June 20-22) to present the Ph.D. thesis awarded with the prize for the best PhD thesis in Computational Logic




  • Ragazze Digitali ER 2022 and 2023 representative for Unife
  • Member of the Interest Group for Data Science in Food Safety Risk Assessment of the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) for UNIFE. The technical group brings competences on machine learning, natural language processing and data mining – from September 2021.
  • Member of the Council (“Giunta”) of the Department of Engineering as person in charge for its web site management – from December 2018.