Evelina Lamma
Since 2000, Full Professor of Computer Engineering at University of Ferrara (UNIFE), where she teaches Foundations of Computer Science (BA degree), Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, and Advanced Software Engineering (MS degree). She works on Artificial Intelligence (AI), computational logic, automated reasoning, knowledge representation, machine learning. According to Scopus, citations: 1546, h-index 19. Awarded for best paper at the conference RR2013 Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, for the paper: BUNDLE: A Reasoner for Probabilistic Ontologies by Riccardo Zese, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Evelina Lamma and Elena Bellodi. Tutorials e invited talks given: - Modularity in Logic Programming, invited tutorial at 11th International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP94, 1994; - Introduction to logic programming, tutorial at IV and V Italian Conference on Logic Programming, 1989 and 1990; - Objects in Artificial Intelligence, IV AI*I Italian Conference on Artificial Intelligence - AI*IA95, 1995; - Probabilistic Description Logics, invited talk at 31th International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP2015, Cork (I) 2015.