
I belong to the research groups AI@unife
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Publications by type, Publications by year
Latest Publications
- Member of the Editorial Board of Intelligenza Artificiale, the official journal of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
- Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Computer Science
- Review Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI, specialty section on Computational Intelligence
- Review Editor for Frontiers in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Member of the Editorial Board of Advances in Computer Science
- Member of the Advisory Board of International Journal of Information Management and Technology
- Program co-chair of
- Local organizer of
- Program Committees: IEEE MilCom 2024, ECAI2024, UAI2024, IJCAI2024, CILC2024, LOD2023, UAI2023, IJCAI2023, KR2023, CILC2022, LOD2022, ICML2022, AAAI2022, IJCAI2022, ICLR2022, LOD2021, PLP2021, RuleML+RR2021, CILC2021, IJCLR2021 (ILP 2021), IJCAI2021 (Senior PC member), AAAI2021, ICLR2021, PLP2020, RuleML+RR2020, IJCAI-PRICAI2020, AAAI2020, ICLR2020, ILP2020, RuleML+RR2019, IJCAI2019, AAAI2019, ILP2019, ICLR2019, IJCAI-ECAI 2018, AmI 2018, NIPS 2018, PLP 2018
- Member of the Organising Committee of
- Reviewer for the PRELUDIUM grant, a funding scheme intended for young researchers who, by the proposal submission deadline, have not obtained a doctoral degree, financed by the National Science Center of Poland.
- Awarded of an honourable mention for the EurAI Distinguished Dissertation Award 2016 for the PhD Thesis titled “Probabilistic Reasoning and Learning for the Semantic Web”.
- Best Paper Award for “BUNDLE: A Reasoner for Probabilistic Ontologies”
by Riccardo Zese, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Evelina Lamma and Elena Bellodi at the 7th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR-2013)
Keynotes & Tutorials
Research Activities
- Project ePolicy (Engineering the POlicy- making LIfe Cycle), in collaboration with the University of Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna, ASTER, University College Cork, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research, The University of Surrey, PPA ENERGY, Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores Do Porto, approved and financed under the call FP7-ICT-2001-7, project code: 288147.
- Project SORT (Sviluppo di sistemi tecnologici innovativi integrati per lo Spacchettamento, l’Organizzazione delle scorte e il Tracciamento dei prodotti alimentari sprecati finalizzati alla loro valorizzazione), in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Parma, TSP-Tecnologie e Servizi Professionali S.r.l., Plastic Sort S.r.l., Alfacod S.r.l., Curti Costruzioni Meccaniche S.p.A., approved and financed by MIUR with the DM of 13th February 2014 n. 428, registered at Corte dei Conti, 11th September 2014
- Project GST4Water (Green Smart Technology for Water), industrial research project financed by POR FESR 2014-2020 in collaboration with Terra & Acqua Tech, LEA ENEA, CIRI-EA, CIRI-EC, CADF, SOGESE, XEO4, STARPLAST, VerdeAlto.
- Project PolisEye (POLIcy Support systEm for smart citY data governancE), industrial research project funded by the POR FESR Emilia Romagna 2014-2020 within the Intelligent Specialization Strategy (S3).
- Project SUPER (Supercomputing Unified Platform – Emilia-Romagna), approved and financed by POR-FESR 2014-2020 (Azione 1.5.1).
- Project AI&BM4Leukemia (Artificial Intelligence and Biophotonic Microscopy for rapid and early tests in Leukemia cells), financed by the IFAB (International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development) programme year 2022.
- Project THERE (auTomatic HElpeR for cEphalometry), financed in 2023 by the University of Ferrara with the 5×1000 contribution year 2020.
- Project MIRC.0 (Macchina Intelligente Recupero Crediti ver. 0 – Intelligent Debt Collection Machine ver. 0), financed by MISE call PON “Enterprise and Competitiveness” 2014 – 2020 – Growth Fund Intelligent Fabrica, Agrifood Desk procedure DD 20 November 2018.
- Project AIDA4Edge (Twinning for Excellence in Adaptive Edge AI). Leader of the Ferrara unit and WP Leader of the 36-month project funded by the European Union under the WIDERA programme, Twinning projects.
- Member of the Interest Group for Data Science in Food Safety Risk Assessment of the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) for UNIFE. The technical group brings competencies in machine learning, natural language processing and data mining – from September 2021.
- Module 4 of Applicazioni dell’Intelligenza Artificiale in Medicina in the A.Y. 2019/20 and 2023/2024.
- Deep Learning since A.Y. 2019/20.
- Module Computer Science and Mathematics of the course Informatica, Matematica e Fisica since A.Y. 2020/21
- Co-Teacher of Fondamenti di Informatica e Laboratorio (Modulo B) in the A.Y. 2018/19 , 2019/20, 2023/2024, 2024/2025
- Project Work di Deep Learning since A.Y. 2023/2024
- Co-teacher of Laboratorio di Intelligenza Artificiale since A.Y. 2023/2024
- Seminar “Introduction to Description Logics and the Semantic Web” for the course Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence since A.Y. 2014/15
Biographic Notes
