Google Scholar – Scopus – DBLP – ORCID
Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, Rafael Kiesel, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Solving decision theory problems with probabilistic answer set
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2025.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Probabilistic answer set programming with discrete and continuous
random variables.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, pages 1--32, 2024.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Fast inference for probabilistic answer set programs via the residual
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 24(4):682–697,
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Damiano Azzolini, Elisabetta Gentili, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Symbolic parameter learning in probabilistic answer set programming.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 24(4):698–715,
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Damiano Azzolini, Alice Bizzarri, Michele Fraccaroli, Francesco Bertasi, and
Evelina Lamma.
A machine learning pipeline to analyse multispectral and
hyperspectral images: Full/regular research paper (csci-rthi).
In 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and
Computational Intelligence (CSCI), pages 1306--1311, 2023.
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Damiano Azzolini, Matteo Bonato, Elisabetta Gentili, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Logic programming for knowledge graph completion.
In Emanuele De Angelis and Maurizio Proietti, editors,
Proceedings of the 39th Italian Conference on Computational Logic
(CILC2024), volume 3733 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 1--14,
Aachen, Germany, 2024. Sun SITE Central Europe.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Inference in probabilistic answer set programs with imprecise
probabilities via optimization.
In Negar Kiyavash and Joris M. Mooij, editors, Proceedings of
the Fortieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, volume
244 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 225--234. PMLR,
15--19 Jul 2024.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Learning the parameters of probabilistic answer set programs.
In Stephen H. Muggleton and Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, editors,
Inductive Logic Programming - ILP 2022, volume 14363 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 1--14, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland.
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Elisabetta Gentili, Alice Bizzarri, Damiano Azzolini, Riccardo Zese, and
Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Regularization in probabilistic inductive logic programming.
In Elena Bellodi, Francesca Alessandra Lisi, and Riccardo Zese,
editors, Inductive Logic Programming - ILP 2023, volume 14363 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 16--29, Cham, 2023. Springer Nature
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Damiano Azzolini.
A constrained optimization approach to set the parameters of
probabilistic answer set programs.
In Elena Bellodi, Francesca Alessandra Lisi, and Riccardo Zese,
editors, Inductive Logic Programming, pages 1--15, Cham, 2023. Springer
Nature Switzerland.
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Damiano Azzolini.
On the development of PASTA: Inference in probabilistic answer set
programming under the credal semantics.
volume 385, pages 314 -- 315, 2023.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Summary of statistical statements in probabilistic logic programming.
volume 385, pages 384 -- 385, 2023.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Towards a representation of decision theory problems with
probabilistic answer set programs.
volume 385, pages 190 -- 191, 2023.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Inference in probabilistic answer set programming under the credal
In Roberto Basili, Domenico Lembo, Carla Limongelli, and Andrea
Orlandini, editors, AIxIA 2023 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
volume 14318 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages
367--380, Heidelberg, Germany, 2023. Springer.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Lifted inference for statistical statements in probabilistic answer
set programming.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 163:109040,
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Damiano Azzolini, Elisabetta Gentili, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Link prediction in knowledge graphs with probabilistic logic
programming: Work in progress.
In Joaquín Arias, Sotiris Batsakis, Wolfgang Faber, Gopal Gupta,
Francesco Pacenza, Emmanuel Papadakis, Livio Robaldo, Kilian Ruckschloss,
Elmer Salazar, Zeynep G. Saribatur, Ilias Tachmazidis, Felix Weitkamper, and
Adam Wyner, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Logic Programming 2023 Workshops co-located with the 39th International
Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), volume 3437 of CEUR
Workshop Proceedings, pages 1--4., 2023.
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Damiano Azzolini.
A brief discussion about the credal semantics for probabilistic
answer set programs.
In Joaquín Arias, Sotiris Batsakis, Wolfgang Faber, Gopal Gupta,
Francesco Pacenza, Emmanuel Papadakis, Livio Robaldo, Kilian Ruckschloss,
Elmer Salazar, Zeynep G. Saribatur, Ilias Tachmazidis, Felix Weitkamper, and
Adam Wyner, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Logic Programming 2023 Workshops co-located with the 39th International
Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), volume 3437 of CEUR
Workshop Proceedings, pages 1--13., 2023.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
MAP inference in probabilistic answer set programs.
In Agostino Dovier, Angelo Montanari, and Andrea Orlandini, editors,
AIxIA 2022 -- Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pages 413--426,
Cham, 2023. Springer International Publishing.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Approximate inference in probabilistic answer set programming for
statistical probabilities.
In Agostino Dovier, Angelo Montanari, and Andrea Orlandini, editors,
AIxIA 2022 -- Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pages 33--46, Cham,
2023. Springer International Publishing.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Abduction in (probabilistic) answer set programming.
In Roberta Calegari, Giovanni Ciatto, and Andrea Omicini, editors,
Proceedings of the 37th Italian Conference on Computational Logic
(CILC2022), volume 3204 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 90--103,
Aachen, Germany, 2022. Sun SITE Central Europe.
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma.
Semantics for hybrid probabilistic logic programs with function
symbols: Technical summary.
In Joaquín Arias, Roberta Calegari, Luke Dickens, Wolfgang Faber,
Jorge Fandinno, Gopal Gupta, Markus Hecher, Daniela Inclezan, Emily LeBlanc,
Michael Morak, Elmer Salazar, and Jessica Zangari, editors, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Logic Programming 2022 Workshops
co-located with the 38th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP
2022), volume 3193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 1--5, Aachen,
Germany, 2022. Sun SITE Central Europe.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Statistical statements in probabilistic logic programming.
In Georg Gottlob, Daniela Inclezan, and Marco Maratea, editors,
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, pages 43--55, Cham, 2022.
Springer International Publishing.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, Stefano Ferilli, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and
Riccardo Zese.
Abduction in probabilistic logic programs.
In Yuliya Lierler, Jose F. Morales, Carmine Dodaro, Veronica Dahl,
Martin Gebser, and Tuncay Tekle, editors, Proceedings of the 38th
International Conference on Logic Programming (Technical Communications),
Recently Published Research track, volume 364 of Electronic Proceedings
in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 174--176, Waterloo, Australia, 2022.
Open Publishing Association.
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, Stefano Ferilli, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and
Riccardo Zese.
Abduction with probabilistic logic programming under the distribution
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 142:41--63,
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Elena Bellodi, and Evelina Lamma.
A probabilistic logic model of lightning network.
In Witold Abramowicz, Sören Auer, and Milena Stróżyna,
editors, Business Information Systems Workshops, Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing (LNBIP), pages 321--333, Cham, Switzerland,
2022. Springer International Publishing.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Probabilistic logic models for the lightning network.
Cryptography, 6(2), 2022.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Syntactic requirements for well-defined hybrid probabilistic logic
In Andrea Formisano, Yanhong Annie Liu, Bart Bogaerts, Alex Brik,
Veronica Dahl, Carmine Dodaro, Paul Fodor, Gian Luca Pozzato, Joost
Vennekens, and Neng-Fa Zhou, editors, Proceedings 37th International
Conference on Logic Programming (Technical Communications), pages 14--26,
Waterloo, Australia, 2021. © by the authors, Open Publishing
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma.
Summary of semantics for hybrid probabilistic logic programs with
function symbols.
In Andrea Formisano, Yanhong Annie Liu, Bart Bogaerts, Alex Brik,
Veronica Dahl, Carmine Dodaro, Paul Fodor, Gian Luca Pozzato, Joost
Vennekens, and Neng-Fa Zhou, editors, Proceedings 37th International
Conference on Logic Programming (Technical Communications), pages 234--235,
Waterloo, Australia, 2021. © by the authors, Open Publishing
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Optimizing probabilities in probabilistic logic programs.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 21(5):543--556,
© Cambridge University Press, 2021.
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Damiano Azzolini and Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Reducing probabilistic logic programs.
In Ahmet Soylu, Alireza Tamaddoni Nezhad, Nikolay Nikolov, Ioan Toma,
Anna Fensel, and Joost Vennekens, editors, Proceedings of the 15th
International Rule Challenge, 7th Industry Track, and 5th Doctoral Consortium
at RuleML+RR 2021 co-located with 17th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2021)
and 13th DecisionCAMP 2021 as part of Declarative AI 2021, CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, pages 1--13, Aachen, Germany, 2021. © By the
authors, Sun SITE Central Europe.
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma.
A semantics for hybrid probabilistic logic programs with function
Artificial Intelligence, 294:103452, © Elsevier,
The final publication is available at Elsevier via
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma.
An analysis of Gibbs sampling for probabilistic logic programs.
In Carmine Dodaro, George Aristidis Elder, Wolfgang Faber, Jorge
Fandinno, Martin Gebser, Markus Hecher, Emily LeBlanc, Michael Morak, and
Jessica Zangari, editors, Workshop on Probabilistic Logic Programming
(PLP 2020), volume 2678 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 1--13,
Aachen, Germany, 2020. © by the authors, Sun SITE Central
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Damiano Azzolini, Elena Bellodi, Alessandro Brancaleoni, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and
Evelina Lamma.
Modeling bitcoin lightning network by logic programming.
In Francesco Ricca, Alessandra Russo, Sergio Greco, Nicola Leone,
Alexander Artikis, Gerhard Friedrich, Paul Fodor, Angelika Kimmig, Francesca
Lisi, Marco Maratea, Alessandra Mileo, and Fabrizio Riguzzi, editors,
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Logic Programming
(Technical Communications), pages 258--260, Waterloo, Australia, 2020.
© by the authors, Open Publishing Association.
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma.
Modeling smart contracts with probabilistic logic programming.
In Witold Abramowicz and Gary Klein, editors, Business
Information Systems Workshops, volume 394 of Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing, pages 86--98, Cham, 2020. © Springer,
Springer International Publishing.
The final publication is available at Springer via
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma.
Analyzing transaction fees with probabilistic logic programming.
In Witold Abramowicz and Rafael Corchuelo, editors, Business
Information Systems Workshops BIS 2019, volume 373 of Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing, pages 243--254, Cham, 2019. © Springer, Springer International Publishing.
The final publication is available at Springer via
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, and Evelina Lamma.
Studying transaction fees in the bitcoin blockchain with
probabilistic logic programming.
Information, 10(11):335, © CCBY, 2019.
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Evelina Lamma, and Franco Masotti.
A comparison of MCMC sampling for probabilistic logic programming.
In Mario Alviano, Gianluigi Greco, and Francesco Scarcello, editors,
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Italian Association for
Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA2019), Rende, Italy 19-22 November 2019,
volume 11946 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 18--29,
Heidelberg, Germany, 2019. © Springer, Springer.
The final publication is available at Springer via
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Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Evelina Lamma, Elena Bellodi, and Riccardo
Modeling bitcoin protocols with probabilistic logic programming.
In Elena Bellodi and Tom Schrijvers, editors, Probabilistic
Logic Programming (PLP 2018), volume 2219 of CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, pages 49--61, Aachen, Germany, 2018. © by the
authors, Sun SITE Central Europe.
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- 2023: co-author of the best student paper ”Regularization in Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming” by Elisabetta Gentili, Alice Bizzarri, Damiano Azzolini, Riccardo Zese and Fabrizio Riguzzi at ILP2023
- 2023: member of the winning team of the LP/CP Programming Contest 2023 at ICLP2023
- 2022: winner of the Technological Contest at CILC2022 with the software PASTA
- 2022: special mention at “Premio per la migliore tesi di dottorato su argomenti di Logica Computazionale” (best PhD thesis on computational logic) awarded by Associazione Italiana per la Programmazione Logica GULP at 37th Italian Conference on Computational Logic CILC2022 for my PhD thesis: “Extensions and Applications of Probabilistic Logic Programming“
- 2021: recipient of “Prima Edizione Premio Nazionale Ricerca Big Data e AI” from International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development (IFAB)
Teaching and Seminars
At University of Ferrara:
- Module “Informatica e seminario” (Informatics) of the course “Basi molecolari e funzionali della vita” (Molecular and Functional Bases of Life), Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica abilitante alla professione sanitaria di infermiere (Classe: L/SNT1) (Bachelor degree in Nursing), both in Ferrara (20h) and Adria (20h) and the same course for Corso di Laurea in Ostetricia abilitante alla professione sanitaria di ostetrica/o (Classe: L/SNT1) (Bachelor degree in Midwifery), 12h, and Corso di Laurea in Fisioterapia (Classe: L/SNT2) (Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy), 12h, A.A. 2022/2023, 2023/2024, and Corso di laurea in Tecniche della Riabilitazione Psichiatrica (Classe: L/SNT2) (Bachelor degree in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques), 8h, A.Y. 2023/2024
- Course Advanced Software Engineering (30 h) A.A. 2023/2024 for the Master Degree in Computer and Automation Engineering
- Module “Introduction to containers: best practices and technologies” for the course “Services and Innovation for Industry 4.0” (3 h), 2023
- Laboratory of Modulo A, B, and C, at Advanced School on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI), 2022 (12 h) and 2023 (12 h)
- PhD course: “Advanced Computer Science and R Language” – Basic Module (14 h) November 2022
- Co-teaching Fondamenti di Informatica e Laboratorio Modulo B (Basics of Computer Science and Laboratory) (30 h) A.A. 2021/2022 for the Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Seminar for the course Advanced Software Engineering (25 h) A.A. 2021/2022
- Seminar integrating the course Programmazione e laboratorio (25 h) A.A. 2020/2021
- Seminar “Gestione tecnica di laboratori di informatica in ingresso al Corso di Laurea in Informatica” (12 h) A.A. 2019/2020
- “Linguaggio C” for the regional course IFTS for the years 2019 (28 h), 2020 (28 h), 2021 (20 h), 2022 (16 h), 2023 (16h), 2024 (16h)
- “Fondo per l’Incentivazione alla Ricerca Dipartimentale” (FIRD) year 2024, University of Ferrara
- GNCS “Finanziamento Giovani Ricercatori” 2022/2023 with the project “Statistical Probabilities”
Supplementary Material
- Optimizing Probabilities in Probabilistic Logic Programs (2021): Bitbucket link
- Reducing Probabilistic Logic Programs (2021): Bitbucket link
- Github with random projects
- My page on Stack Overflow where sometimes I answer questions related to Prolog and Answer Set Programming